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A Scottie Blog

Journeys Fashion Capitals


Today was the first day of our virtual trip to New York. We viewed an exhibit on Eleanor Lambert at the fashion institute of technology. Eleanor is the reason we have the Met Gala, which is a fact I never knew of. This was to help her get a swing at the museum; she worked incredibly hard to have New York become known as a fashion capital. She’s started the COTY awards and was a cofounder of the Museum of Modern art. She is an inspiration to anyone who wants to be a part of fashion and I was glad to be taught about her.

Later that day, we met with Vogue magazine and it was interesting to meet with Sarah Spellings and Emily Farra, a writer and editor at Vogue. Emily and Sarah told us about their daily activities, how they were able to obtain their position at Vogue, and more. It was not satisfying to hear about how they obtained their positions. There are people who are working really hard to do what they’re doing and their positions was just given to them. Overall, this trip today was okay and I learned a lot of facts of the fashion history with Eleanor Lambert that was new to me.


Today we attended a lecture with Francoise Bathie in Paris. We learned about Parisian culture and this was informative for me because this is more facts about the culture and its relationship to fashion. Paris has been known as a fashion city and over time, just as any other place, the fashion trend changed over time. Back in the day women wore corsets for the image of a tiny waist and this would be portrayed in tv shows and movies of these women and their clothing. Paris will continue to be a fashion capital because of the passion they feel for fashion. Their fashion identity is everything to them. We also discussed the role that the French government played, that ties into creating the fashion sense that Paris has to offer. Overall, this meeting was great, I learned so much about Paris fashion history. I would love to travel to Paris one day to learn more and to shop in their own stores.


Early this morning, we attended a discussion Q and A with Francoise Bathie about Parisian museums. We talked about Saint Laurent and Chanel; I knew a little about these two already so it was cool to learn more in depth about them. Bathie mentioned that Yves has some credibility when it comes to Chanel’s success, but they seem to both put in an equal amount of effort when it comes to their fashion success.

After this meeting, we then met Linda Bretti of Linda Richards of Fur Design. Linda talked about her business and how she came a long way and it took her a while to get to where she is however, she had the help of a 100,000 loan for her business. She was very well spoken and loud and I believe that says a lot about her personality. She didn’t talk much about diversity and she avoided the question in a way but she told us about why she decided to use real fur. Faux fur is plastic and itchy whereas real fur is real and can keep you warm. Linda is in a good position and she worked for everything she has. Knowing that people seem to move up in the fashion industry quickly makes me wonder if it would be that easy if I tried.


This afternoon we met with Andrew Morgan, the director of “The True Cost.” He created this documentary about an issue he was passionate about and truly cared for. He explored countries where people are working in factories for fast fashion brands. He filmed what they do, how they are paid, their conditions, etc. After receiving this information he wanted to change the brands he was shopping for because he didn’t support what was happening. He wanted to bring awareness to those people who are being exploited for cheap labor. However, they do need their jobs and have to make a living some way. Andrew’s documentary opened my eyes to another aspect because I never thought about the people who make my clothes at all. I do think that Andrew should make more documentaries like this one and use his power of being a director to showcase this to more people.


Today is our last day on our trip and we were in Milan. We spoke with Professor Renato Rizzo and had a quick Q and A session. Our discussion was engaging to me because we were talking about fashion in Italy. Prof. Rizzo put together a presentation of Italy’s luxury fashion and explained the deep meaning behind their definition luxury. The United States as a whole isn’t a fashion capital, there isn’t enough history to have “luxury” fashion. The way the U.S. deems what luxury is, is different than Italy’s version; we think of luxury as extravagant clothing while theirs are items and fashion that holds value.

Trip Debrief:

The virtual trip was cool and all of the meetings we had were very informational and taught me a lot of things that were new and also put things into perspective for me. I really hoped that we were going to be able to travel this year because it makes the experience better and it would have been fun to attend the museums in person. However, the trip has made me love fashion even more and I want to learn more. I especially want to travel to Paris because its the main fashion capital and to hear that they are so passionate about their fashion, I would love to see what they have in stores and shop there. It would be beneficial for me to learn more and to travel around to the other fashion capitals.

Leadership Reflection

  1. How has this course promoted your development of critical thinking, public speaking, writing, digital literacy, and/or teamwork skills, and how this has contributed to your understanding of leadership or your capacity to lead?

This course has helped me mostly with teamwork skills, critical thinking, and public speaking. I’m very comfortable with working alone and getting the work done on my own time and not have to worry about a partner not doing their part of the group assignment. This course was mainly group assignments and it helped me come out of my comfort zone and produce better working skills with other people. Having to do group projects all the time, we have to present them and I have never been really comfortable with that because it has always made me nervous but we’ve had to present many projects now so I’m starting to get better at speaking to groups of people. Group projects also helped me with public speaking in a way because I was almost never comfortable talking in a group, worrying that what I say doesn’t make sense or if the group doesn’t like my ideas. I’ve overcome that fear because no ideas are crazy and opinions matter. Once I became comfortable with that, I encouraged other group members to speak up and try to include their opinion or idea in the group as well. I’m fortunate to have my teamwork skills improve because of this class because this was the most group work I’ve done all first semester. Being able to work in a team effectively, shows that I can work with anyone. As I was working in my group there was a minor issue in the beginning and resulted in my partner and I having to take initiative and finish the work on our own. When you have to step up and do something that was not originally planned for you, that shows leadership and that shows initiative. No matter how many people don’t do their part, you can be a leader and help push them to do it, or if all fails, you have to take over. Social business has helped me with critical thinking as well because a leader has to use logic to understand and identify problems. It takes patience and a lot of practice in order to be successful. Social business also ensures me to be open minded and recognize and assess problems.

Strength quest assessment

Strength quests is a survey that helps students feel confident with who they are and realize the strengths they probably didn’t think they had. The assessment showed me that my strengths are Achiever, Futuristic, Includor, Strategic, and Relator. Of the five strengths that were identified in my report, the main one that I would like for others to see more is the Futuristic strength, I’m always looking out for my future and taking the steps in the present to make sure everything is aligned for me later on in life.For example, going to college to get my degree, and then pursue my career. Having an internship in my field of choice and getting experience from that will help me as I go on. I always want my friends to be on the same page as me as well, therefore I encourage them to do many things now that can benefit them in their future. I give off the energy of being an overachiever and a leader. 

My First Post

For my first year of college, this semester hasn’t been too bad for me at all. I’m probably just saying that because I haven’t done anything too challenging. I’m pretty comfortable with all my classes, I’m currently taking Psychology, Sociology, World Politics, and Social Business. I don’t have any expectations for the rest of the school year because we’re doing virtual learning, but, hopefully we’ll be able to return to campus and attend class normally.

Credit : “Agnes Scott College” created by Diliff licensed under CC BY SA- 3.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Agnes_Scott_College_-_McCain_Library.jpg

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